research: Dr Keith Geraghty ME/CFS Research …
Research : Dr Keith Geraghty ME/CFS Research …
© Dr Keith Geraghty
Weʼre raising £25,000 to Continue Vital ME Research.
Head over to just giving to read more & donate to the crowdfunding page.
Dr. Keith Geraghty
Dr. Geraghty undertakes ME/CFS research at the University of Manchester Centre for Primary Care, bringing together clinicians and techical staff. He has a wealth of research experience and understands the issues facing patients with ME/CFS. His work is internationally recognised.
Information about : The ME/CFS Research …
I am an unsalaried research fellow who relies on grant income. I am seeking funding to continue researching Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at the University of Manchester. I have made signficant headway over the past few years but I need your support to do even more. I am seeking crowdfunding to publish papers from existing projects and to do more work on the following topics:
– looking at diagnosis, care and treatment
– biases in RCTs of CBT and GET (taking on Bad Science)
– Bodily Distress Syndrome (DDS is a problematic illness label and why ME/CFS is not a BDS)
– Medically Unexplained Symptoms (why ME/CFS should not be considered an MUS)
Progress So Far
Myself and the team I have put together have not been afraid to take on bad science and misconceptions about ME/CFS. We have focused on research that improves diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. We are also working on educating colleagues and clinicians about the disease. To-date we have made significant progress:
We showed that CBT and Graded Exercise Therapy were not effective treatments for ME/CFS.
We analysed patient surveys and found Pacing helped patients most and GET worsened symptoms?
We highightled methodological flaws and biases in the PACE Trial.
We identified theoretical flaws and inconsistencies in the CBT Model of ME/CFS.
We invesigated the views and experiences of patients with severe ME/CFS and we presented a report of our findings to NICE UK as part of their review.
I published over 20 papers and articles on ME/CFS.
Where Will The Money Go?
All funds donated will be used on research and nothing will be spent on admin. It costs around £50,000 to salary 1 research fellow per year and with on-costs and extras this can be even higher, thus I believe we are very cost effective at doing ME-CFS research. £25,000 will allow me to dedicate considerable time days to work only on ME/CFS. Any additional funding received will be used to contract hire additional research staff or will be moved over to the following year to continue our work.
Communicating What We Do
I wish to use some of the donated funds to set up a dedicated website that will host media, videos and podcasts discussing our work and much more, along with links to our ongoing projects and publications. We wish to make our research findings much more accesible to all and to engage more with people living with ME/CFS and other researchers and health professionals.
Thank you all for your continuing support!
© Dr Keith Geraghty
fragmented.ME xXx