ME awareness month (2022) …
Awareness : ME Awareness month 2022 …
I have had the worse few months since becoming severe and so I don’t have anything properly planned for ME Awareness this year …
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ME awareness month idea …
What I decide to do feels like it needs to be simple and easy.
I want to simply show people just how poorly people with ME are and how affected by this illness I am too …
I have, therefore, decided that I cannot do anything really spectacular but that I will post an information / awareness ‘one liner’ every day that I can, which summarises how ME is for me on that day …
I will be using the #s #fragmentedME #whatMEistome #MEawarenes2022 … so maybe follow these #s, or @fragmented.ME.UK, to see what I post …
On further thoughts, I have decided to design a post called ‘what ME is to me …’, where I will add the same daily expression(s) that I have shared on instagram …
ME awareness week (4) …
ME awareness week (3) …
ME awareness week (2) …
ME awareness week (1) …
what could you do …
You could join me in the #whatMEistome project on Instagram and see if we can really make a difference. Just start the post with the title ‘ME Today Is’ followed by how your ME is affecting you today and use the #s #fragmentedME #whatMEistome #MEawareness2022 at the bottom of the post and in the comments section on Instagram. Also see my ‘what ME is to me …’ post too.
You could also #GoBlueForME or take part in a #MillionsMissing protest or join in the #BlueSunday tea parties or even host your own.
Whatever you do, enjoy it and have fun if you can, and make people aware that we are still here not living and suffering whatever symptoms we have to endure …
go blue for me …
There is a saying in relation to ME awareness, which is:
And so most of us wear blue for, at the very least, the official day but I wear my ‘Go Blue For ME’ t-shirts all month (I buy two new ones each year). You too could buy a Go Blue For ME tee and wear it on 12th May, or anytime come to think of it, and you will be supporting another wonderful ME organisation in the UK. When you do wear it, be prepared and know what ME is and some more specifics surrounding the day because people will ask you questions and you will be surprised about how many people haven’t even heard of ME.
Why BLUE? Because blue is the internationally accepted and recognised colour of M.E. Awareness. How you GO BLUE is entirely up to you… How far you go BLUE is also entirely up to you. Just do all you can to colour in this cruel invisible illness…. (ME Association, 2022)<ref>The ME Association. 2022. ME Awareness Week. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 March 2022].</ref>
millions missing protest …
#MillionsMissing is a global campaign for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) health equality. We demonstrate around the world for equitable research funding, clinical trials, medical education and public awareness for ME.
The first global #MillionsMissing protest took place in May, 2016. An activist from North Carolina grew so frustrated by the lack of research funding and medical education for ME that she decided to organize a demonstration in Washington, DC. She approached #MEAction about helping to organize the protest, which led to people with ME organizing protests around the world.
You can take part this year by going to #MEAction website where they state the following: (2022)<ref>#MEAction, 2022. #MillionsMissing 2021. [online] #MillionsMissing. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 March 2022].</ref>
This year, we are excited to announce that #MillionsMissing will be held in two parts: May and September!
#MillionsMissing is about demonstrating our community’s collective refusal to let the stories of people with ME be erased, or access to healthcare and medical research blocked. We protest against all barriers to justice for the growing community of people with ME, including those affected by Long COVID and other complex chronic conditions.
In May, we will focus on coming together virtually to celebrate our vibrant community through support, art, and empowerment.
In September, our goal will be to gather in person, in ways that are safe to do so, and use the power of our collective action to win widespread attention for the health justice we all need.
Both #MillionsMissing events will have virtually-accessible components because your participation is critical to this movement, no matter your health or ability level.
We invite you to participate in both events to focus on community gathering in May and outward action in September. There will be actions in both the UK and the US and options to get involved and take action across the globe.
blue Sunday …
Anna Redshaw, who runs the ME blog website M.E. myself and I (formerly The Slow Lane), launched her #BlueSunday tea parties back in 2013, and they have been going strong ever since.
Anna (Redshaw, 2022)<ref>Redshaw, A., 2022. About ‘Blue Sunday’. [online] M.E. myself and I. Available at: [Accessed 24 March 2022].</ref> says,
“I invited friends and family to join me for afternoon tea and asked for small donations of the price people would expect to pay for a pot of tea and a slice of cake in a coffee shop.
As many of my fellow sufferers are too poorly to travel, I held a virtual tea party too, where people could join in online.
I uploaded photos and videos of the event being held at home so that even those stuck in bed on the other side of the world could join in.”
You can find out how to join in by going to Blue Sunday 2022.
whatever you do …
Be it, #GoBlueForME #MillionsMissing #BlueSunday or something you choose yourself, just remember to …
and enjoy it as much as you can …
Oh and if you want to share your ME awareness plans, and for us to share them too, please just contact fragmented.ME using the ‘let us know how we can do better’ area below (once you have voted you get an options to send a message), or you can just contact us … using the link.
countdown to ME awareness end 2022 …
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fragmented.ME xXx