what ME is to me (2022) …
what ME is to me … (ME Awareness 2022) …
… forget ME not …
The month of May is ME awareness month as well as my birthday month. This year I’ll be 60. I’ve been sick since I was 22. Mild > Moderate > Severe > moving ever closer to Very Severe …
* Don’t forget whenever you see MiA … it means I have been unable to journal anything on that day due to serious illness or just because I was unable to do anything, except keep my head above water, on that particular day.
However, for this special awareness month I will use any days that I am missing to leave an explanation of the day, even if it’s simply one word that describes ‘ME today is …’
What’s New …
Research into ME is very poor and lacking. Considering that I have been sick since 1984 and still the only treatments I have come in the form of pain medication, which is sadly about to be reformed by NICE, and being able to talk with a peofessional who understands and gets ME, for which I had to fight and appeal. It is a crying shame that more has not been done for this debilitating and life changing condition.
This year the rather grossed and ‘bigged-up’ supposedly massive decodeME research has kicked off. But, this too has been a long time coming and feels rather slow to be released and the ‘keeping us informed’ aspect is sadly extremely lacking. So, I am not holding my breath. I am actually feeling very let down by the poor ‘updating ME’ that appears to be happening.
What’s Important …
May is ME Awareness Month. This year, I really do not feel well enough to do anything special, like I did last year. I will not be raising money for any one charity, I will simply be raising awareness. In view of this, I will post, here on my blog and also on Instagram, an information / awareness ‘one liner’, every single day throughout May that I feel able, about what ME is to me …
I am actually hoping this ‘what ME is to me …’ (#fragmentedME #whatMEistome #MWawareness2022) might become an annual thing amongst the ME community and so I have planned accordingly …
PS please join in, if you can, and it doesn’t have to be a one liner, it can be one word, one line, one paragraph or even one page, just share what you can that describes your ME on that day and don’t feel that you have to post every day, just post when you can …
ME Awareness (May 2022) …
30th April …
ME Today Is
for ME Awareness 2002
I will be posting a series of posts (hopefully 31 in total)
using the theme ME Today Is
they will highlight how ME is impacting on that day
the aim is to post daily (if possible)
and to highlight everything about living with ME
the physical, the emotional, the psychological,
the whole impact that ME has on our lives
you will never get ME
until you get ME
#fragmentedME #whatMEistome #MEawarehess2022
May ME Awareness 2022 …
MiA …
I am too poorly right now to do too many things. So, to make it easier for myself I have simply added my #fragmentedME #whatMEistome #MEawareness2022 post Instagram feed below.
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fragmented.ME xXx