the potential of DecodeME #4 …
decodeME are doing a series of information posts in the lead up to the start of the DecodeME study. They are encouraging us to share them as much as we can.
Therefore, I will share them each time they are posted …. exactly as they are originally written by,
DecodeMe …
fragmented.ME xXx
Blog article to follow is Copyright © DecodeME (2021).
Updated October 2021. From
Migraine drug shows how big DNA studies can help find treatments
A recent breakthrough in migraine treatment shows, indirectly, how big DNA studies like DecodeME can help find highly effective drugs for patients.
Traditional biological research some years ago identified a pair of proteins as being involved in triggering migraines. This insight recently led to clinical trials of new, high-tech monoclonal antibody drugs that target those proteins. The drugs were found to work remarkably well. They’re only given to patients who have migraines most days and for whom all other drugs have failed and yet 50% of people get a good response from them. It’s life-changing for some patients.
But here’s the thing. In a recent analysis of several big DNA studies, one of these target proteins showed up as being a cause of migraine.
In other words, if the only research on migraine ever done had been these DNA studies, researchers would still have a clue to the most successful migraine drug ever developed.
It’s a similar situation for many other diseases, where as well as providing new clues, big DNA studies pick out clues to drug treatments that have already been developed.
Now, think about the situation for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), where there has been very little research – and no effective treatments. There are no guarantees in science, but DecodeME and other big DNA studies have the same potential to be a shortcut to find important clues to treatments. Treatments that, as for migraine, could be life-changing.
More experimental research will be needed to follow up any clues, but they’d still be a huge step forward for ME/CFS.
Blog by Simon McGrath, part of the DecodeME team.
First, we need to find 20,000 people to take part. If you would like to be one of them, please sign up and you can be first in line when we start recruiting in the autumn.
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