journal : 23.02.2021 …
Journal : 23.02.2021 …
OK, so I really wasn’t expecting it to take me so long to post my first blog, but illness, migraine, and home issues have meant I wasn’t able to get on with the website development.
But I’m now ready to start blogging. I do hope you’ll keep coming back to read what I’m sharing. And if you have any ideas or thoughts about anything you would like me to research and write about, please let me know via the contact (blog / article suggestion) … form.
Just in case you missed my post last, I have also been working on a ME memorial … page. Please have a look as this particular part of my blog is super important to me; I feel like I’m dying most days and so I feel a special affinity with those who have died from ME.
As well, I’ve been writing my own personal story in the form of a timeline and propose, once it’s completed, to publish it in a series of blogs under this journal category.
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