news : ME memorial …
I have added a new category, ME memorial …, to fragmented.ME blog site. It’s a follow on from my other instagram account ‘a life reMEmbered’ that was set up to acknowledge and remember all those who have died from ME.
I want to use this space to bring to the attention of everyone that:
you can, and people sadly do, die from ME …
I was posting to the instagram account weekly but when the app I used to schedule my posts broke, I just stopped doing the posts because I was simply too unwell to be regular and post each week. Whereas here, on my blog, I will be able to add to the memorials whenever I’m well enough and pre-schedule them to post regularly.
Each memorial will be set out the same. It will consist of:
the name of the deceased: a life reMEmbered (date of birth~date of death)
followed by a little information about them
finishing with a 3 image collage (made up of a well image, a sick image, and one other)
For most of the memorials that I make myself, meaning specifically those which are not submitted directly by yourselves, the personal information for them will come from the National CFIDS Foundation … and the images will be those I can find on the internet.
A Small Favour
If you know of anyone who has directly, or indirectly, died from ME please contact me with their bio, via the ME memorial submission … form, sharing as much information as you can. Also include at least three images (you can upload more and I will choose three from them); if possible please make one of when the person was well and one from when they were sick, plus one other, and I will use them to create a mini collage of your loved one.