fragmented.ME …
my healing journey ...

my healing journey : Step : 16.03.2022 …

My Healing Journey 16.03.2022 …

Active Stabilisation Session (7) …

I pre-booked this session the minute we finished the Active Stabilisation Session (6) …, working it around YFC_J afternoon availability and leaving enough time for my recovery, which never seems to happen these days.

I am still learning so much new information and new skills and I am very eager to keep going with this part of the programme.

Preparation & Setting Up …

Because I no longer need to self fund I don’t get a bill, yaaay … but as soon as the session was over I did receive the details for my next appointment. We are still sticking with landline telephone calls for now.

What’s New …

Since my last session with YFC_J I have been working hard on, firstly, accessing a low dose beta blocker, and secondly, easting much less and smaller sized meals.

The beta blocker should be easy enough as I’ve been offered one many times as a preventative treatment for migraine,

The smaller meals is easy when my stomach is bad but when I begin to feel even the slightest bit better I’m afraid I revert back to type.

Eat a lot …

feel rubbish …

don’t eat …

feel a bit better …

Eat a lot …

What’s Important …

I have some things I need to do. I need to set myself up with everything I might need downstairs for when my husband goes back to office based work.

Things I’d like to achieve during the next few weeks:

    • get beta blockers
    • set up dining room to accommodate everything I need to function without andrew
    • ear much less at meal times
    • find reliability in my eating quantities and food types

How / What Have I Been Doing Since My Last Session …

As usual, I did ok for the first week or two then illness got the better of me.

#week 1 (07.02.2022-13.02.2022) : sort out beta blockers … eat much less and much smaller meals … how am I doing? As regards the beta blockers, I’ve made contact with my neurologist / migraine lady, just waiting her return call … smaller meals are working for now as my stomach is still very inflamed and so I can’t eat much … the knock on effect is I’m sleeping less (not good when you’re sick), I’m having much less heartburn, which is an extremely positive effect, and also my resting heart rate (RHR) is dropping and my actual heart rate after eating doesn’t stay mega high for as long as it previously did (over the 100s sometimes as high as 150) …

#week 2 (14.02.2022-20.02.2022) : I’ve had another eating less week and my resting heart rate is really happy for it, it has dropped by around 10 beats per minute … I have also got a telephone appointment set up with neurology to discuss a beta blocker … but I’ve had some very bad pain days this week  …

#week 3 (21.02.2022-27.02.2022) : this has been a really bad week, I think I made myself extra sick with trying to cut down food and I have also been trying to sort out some space in our dining room cupboards for my daily bits, for when my husband is back office based, because I cannot go up and down the stairs to get the things I might need …

#week 4 (28.02.2022-06.03.2022) : MiA …

#week 5 (07.03.2022-13.03.2022) : MiA …

#week 6 (14.03.2022-20.03.2022) : MiA …

The Active Stabilisation Session (7) …

On the morning of the appointment I woke up very very poorly. I couldn’t do anything but lay flat and think I need to be in hospital

So, on catch-up we talked about my progress since our last appointment. I have reduced my RHR and I have a neurology appointments to get beta blockers, which is massive progress.

Then we discussed my symptoms and how YFC_J will discuss them with their heart specialist. But, he is sure they are dysautonomia issues, which he explained to me and it did make sense at the time but I cannot recall much and so will do further research when I feel a bit better.

YFC_J also explained the the ANS system is fluid and dynamic and so my fear of how I felt becoming permanent is highly unlikely to happen. I will always recover as long as I lay flat, with my feet above my heart, and drink extra fluids.

We also discussed setting up a hospital bag because of how poorly I felt then my husband won’t have to search for the things I need. When I am as poorly as yesterday I cannot articulate how I feel and so the bag packed is necessary and some notes about myself and my illness need to be in there too.

After The Active Stabilisation Session …

I simply continued to lay flat as I had done during my telephone appointments. I did also feel a sense of relief that the symptoms were probably going to right themselves with plenty of rest and fluids.

The Here & Now …

… 🧘🏻‍♀️ …

The Day After …

The dysautonimia has retracted and I am relieved and ready to get a hospital bag ready.

What Next …

During the the time until my next appointment I need to:

    • get my hospital bag ready
    • write up notes about me
    • get the beta blockers
    • continue to eat less
    • breathe more
    • accept the dysautonomia issues and know they will right themselves eventually

I will document as much information as I can in the next blog post in ‘my healing journey’. Please be aware that any information I share will always follow data protection guidelines and will never be enough for you to substitute it for your own programme

Can You Help With Costs …

Please go to my ‘fund my healing journey …’ page to donate.

 fragmented.ME xXx

My birth name is Denise, but I’m know as Bella to those who love me. I have a first class honours degree in education & psychology and a strong passion to keep learning and educating others ... I have severe ME/CFS and lots of other chronic illnesses and I started this blog as an expansion to my instagram page, where I advocate for chronic illness. I am married and have two grown up boys, or should I say young men. I have three gorgeous grandchildren, one boy and two girls. And despite being chronically sick and housebound I am mostly happy. 🥰