fragmented.ME …
  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 31.12.2021 …

    Final Catch Up 12.2021 … Yes, this is the final catch up of 2021 and for me it has been an exceptionally difficult year ā€¦ It is also going to be my last fortnightly catch up because I am moving over to a monthly edition. I have really struggled this year to keep up and do 24 p+ posts and…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 13.12.2021 …

    Fortnightly Catch Up 13.12.2021 … I am struggling so much that I have been wondering if I should end my fortnightly catch up.Ā I do realise that itā€™s popular. I also realise that it offers me some perspective too but Iā€™m just not sure. I have decided that they are popular, I find them useful to look back on, and right…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 29.11.2021 …

    Fortnightly Catch Up 29.11.2021 … Another fortnight has gone by. My life is slipping away and I donā€™t get to live it … I am missing so much and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it … *Ā Donā€™t forget whenever you see MiA … it means I have been unable to journal anything on that day due to serious illness…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 15.11.2021 …

    Fortnightly Catch Up 15.11.2021 … I am still here trying to keep on top of things. I really want to be able to add, at the very least, a little daily few words of update for you. I am struggling so much with how poorly I am and accepting how I am not improving in any way, in fact I…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 01.11.2021 ā€¦

    Fortnightly Catch Up 01.11.2021 … Too poorly to function … Too poorly to try ā€¦ I am just too utterly unwell … *Ā Donā€™t forget whenever you see MiA … it means I have been unable to journal anything on that day due to serious illness or just because I was unable to do anything, except keep my head above water,…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 18.10.2021 ā€¦

    Fortnightly Catch Up 18.10.2021 … I am still here trying to keep my self motivated and my head above water. I am struggling and realise Iā€™ve bitten off way more than I can chew in trying to be regular in this little online space. That said, I will keep trying … * Donā€™t forget whenever you see MiA … it…

  • fragmented.ME fortnightly catch up ...
    catch up ...

    catch up : 04.10.2021 ā€¦

    Fortnightly Catch Up 04.10.2021 … Welcome and hello you beautiful followers. I have had an awakening regarding the direction I was taking my blog in and itā€™s for the better, I hope. I know health wise it will be for the better. I have decided to stop pressuring myself to document my ā€˜52 week uncovering ME ā€¦ā€™ course. It was…