the essay : contribution …
The Essay : c o n t r i b u t i o n . . .
. . . uncovering ME . . .
. . . contribution . . .
The Essay : contribution …
Feeling as though you contribute is extremely important to a sense of well being and value. However, it can be a difficult thing to see in yourself and tackle when you are severely unwell.
I would like to look at some of the ways that someone who is severely unwell with ME could contribute to their close family / personal environment, as well to the whole of general society.
ways we can contribute …
#1 know this …
One really important way that you can contribute to your personal environment, as well as your general environment, is to know that you are valuable. Deeply know and believe this.
Yes, knowing and believing you are valuable may feel like a very self centred belief to have. However, if we don’t know this then we carry around with us poor self opinions, which in turn send out negative vibrations and make the atmosphere around us feel uncomfortable, for ourselves and for those we share our space with.
No one likes to enter, or stay in, a room that has an uncomfortable energy.
So, we can contribute to the positiveness, or better feeling vibes, of the energy around us by simply not just knowing we are valuable, but believing we are.
#2 thankfulness & gratefulness …
Be thankful.
Be grateful.
I know from very personal experience that having this illness, especially at the severe end, doesn’t really give you much to feel or be thankful and grateful for. However, most of us will have somebody in our lives, even if it is our local social services, taking care of some of our needs and helping us out in the areas we need it most. And we need to be thankful and grateful for this.
We need to express our gratefulness by using our manners and saying please and thank you when someone helps us out.
There is a good chance that we feel bitter about being so poorly, every single day and rightly so. Yet, this is not the fault of our carer or helper. We do not need to make them feel bad just because we feel bad.
We can contribute to a good relationship with them, and to the overall atmosphere and vibrations, of the relationship by being thankful and expressing our gratefulness to them for all they do.
#3 treat others as you would have them treat you …
It’s very easy, when you’re so sick and meet with disbelief and ill treatment because of your illness, to understandably feel that it’s the best thing to treat others as they treat you.
However, all thoughts and behaviours have an impact of your bio chemical and bios physical makeup and so to treat others as you would have them treat you is not only beneficial to the relationship but benefits yourself too. It will have a positive impact of your internal environment which can in turn have a positive effect on your overall health.
Either way you will feel better about yourself and so it a wiser way to be with all as much as you peacefully can …
#4 express yourself …
Nevertheless, thinking about the above advice, you may not always be able to respond in a kind manner to some of the treatments you receive.
In these cases the most important way you can respond is with strong balanced words.
Find ways to express yourself verbally without offending but more so without compromising yourself.
And when you have been peaceable as far as you can tell them to f**k off and leave you alone!
Another way you can express yourself is in your surroundings. Even if you cannot have access to the whole home make sure your private spaces, where you spend time, reflects you and make you feel peaceful and at home.
#5 share …
Share share share …
share whatever you have …
be it knowledge, money, pictures, wisdom, a listening ear, or even things (if you have them and are not using them) …
just share whatever you can.
This will make you feel valuable and part of things.
#6 be easy & let go …
Be easy and let go of everything … don’t hang on … don’t try and work stuff out … just let it go if it’s causing you a problem.
What can or does this really mean?
For myself, this means to be easy about it all. Accept what I can and cannot do and don’t stress the rest. Just, let it go.
This is way easier said, or written, than it is done.
#7 love …
L O V E is the answer to everything …
Think about it … really think, ponder, and dwell on it …
love has to be the answer to everything … if you have ever received and / or given genuine love you will totally get this without any further explanation …
Love is the most healing force in the world; nothing goes deeper than love. It heals not only the body, not only the mind, but also the soul. If one can love then all one’s wounds dissappear. Then one becomes whole – and to be whole is to be holy. — osho
in summary & in conclusion …
Our contribution can be measured in many ways. More ways than I have the health to discuss. But the above can offer you a taster of some ways you can see your contribution, no matter how sick you are, and thus gain value and self love.
a personal concluding note …
I seriously need to see my contribution and there are quite a few ways above that I could use.
be easy …
lit it go …
breathe slowly and invite release and relaxation of your tense areas …
… l o v e …
… the end …
Please feel free to contact me to share your outcomes or with any questions you may have.
fragmented.ME xXx