my healing journey : IW : 13.03.2021 …
My Healing Journey 13.03.2021 …
The introductory workshop was booked for today and because of lockdown it’s going to be on zoom. I wanted to screen it on my TV but I haven’t been well enough to set this up and so we, my husband attended as well, had to do it via my tiny iPad mini, but this was good enough.
Introductory Workshop …
Whenever I have to do something it’s as though my body reacts in preparation for it. And today was no different, typically, I woke with a bloody migraine. So I took my tablets and went back to sleep and then woke fours later to take my next lot. I finally got up and came downstairs for the workshop.
Setting Up For The Workshop …
I couldn’t get dressed or washed but I was also able to keep my PJs on (on rereading this I realised it sounds rather funny, as if I would have to take my PJs off for any other zoom meeting, LoL – I’m going to leave it in though as it is, because it may make you smile), turn my picture off, and lie down while it was happening too, which was really good for me. I got a cup of tea and I lay down and just listened in.
The Workshop …
The workshop didn’t begin on time because people hadn’t turned up, which when you’re unwell is quite frustrating. It’s also one reason why group things don’t work for me and my body. However, the clinic did only wait ten minutes for them and when they didn’t turn up the workshop started.
The presentation wasn’t too loud and the screen wasn’t too bright, which was very useful for me in my sick state. Also the information was presented in a clear and uncomplicated manner too.
The information wasn’t complicated to follow or heavily taxing neither.
We also had a break half way through.
After The Workshop …
The Here & Now …
The bill was sent to me straight after the Worksop ended via email and the workshop was also sent to me as a pdf, which was extremely useful to have.
I can’t share much more detail, regarding the specifics of the workshop, because it’s obviously copyright and confidential as people share private stuff. Suffice to say, it was worth the price I paid, £32.50 for each of us (£65 in total). That said, I can definitely recommend it as a good starting point to anyone considering it. It will help you determine if the programme is right for you, especially if you are going down the paying for yourself route, as I reluctantly am.
Next Steps …
I have booked my assessment and formulation appointment for 27th April.
I will document as much information as I can in the next blog post in ‘my healing journey’. Please be aware that any information I share will always follow data protection guidelines and will never be enough for you to substitute it for your own programme.
I have to stop now as I’m feeling like my life force is draining out of me …
Can You Help With Costs …
Please go to my ‘fund my healing journey …’ page to donate.
fragmented.ME xXx